Thanks for the reply, I tried to make the grid 2500x2500 and yes there were some gaps, I’ll give it another shot tonight and watch all your videos again since I was having some issues when I tried to fix the gaps and houses did not line up with the edge of the street and try to move the pivot like you said, thank you
It would be nice to add a tool to DA that allows user to build a piece of dungeon (or rather, a “module”) in the Editor, then select all the pieces comprising the module and in one click turn it into BP Actor. Is it something that can be done, [MENTION=28980][/MENTION] ?
@ - You should be able to do that by using the standard tools, e.g., set up DA theme, build dungeon, select all the actors, then under the Blueprint drop down at the top of the editor, select Create Blueprint from Selected Components.
Oh, thanks. Didn’t know that. Is it specific to DA or just a general UE4 tool?
Just a generic UE4 feature - but because DA spawns the dungeon as individual actors after you click Build, it should work.
I use the Blueprint from actors/components thing a lot to move pieces of levels around.
This looks like it could be really good for a project I am working on now. Would it be possible for me to build a bunch of rooms as separate levels then use the level generator to connect them together while having some dynamic areas acting as hallways or spaces between them?
Just picked this up the other day, sorry if this has been asked already, but could I potentially create multiple spawn volumes within an existing level to create custom buildings using modular pieces, or do the volumes set themselves up as separate levels that I’d have to load/stream into?
posted an example of this earlier in the thread (making static parts connected by random dungeon in between).
Looks like I missed the sale
Would have invested ~50€, even for the inspiration alone. A few things still concern me though:
In videos and screenshots maps are more or less flat. I also saw a video with a multi-story building, but I’m wondering how flexible these are. For example, can the floor-layout be different across stories, and can the outer shape resemble this?
Am I right assuming that everything is based on voxels/cells of a standardized size? Or can the “grid” have different sizes for different kinds of structures (like a corridor may be wider than a ventilation shaft)?
All the footage I’ve seen had a consistent theme, which didn’t have much variation “within”, meaning all the enclosed buildings, walls floors etc. basically looked the same. Is this just coincidence?.. I guess the question comes down to: are there themes within themes within themes (which are also bound to placement-behavior/patterns) … ?
Do you have an interface in place that lets you extend map-gen functionality, like OnTilePlaced, OnTileRemoved … ? Can I make tiles (partly) destructible by replacing them with alternative versions - WITHOUT ******** up the system?
Can “un-dividible elements” stretch over multiple tiles, like a large gate that takes up 2 or 3 standard wall-segments?
Sorry for all the questions. Would appreciate any answers.
hmm if that’s the case then my first person shooter might genuinely be able to go with randomly generated levels. By do you know what page this is on? skimming through I am seeing there are like 42 pages to this thread ><
Just bought the plugin a few days ago and loving it so far, thanks for the great work!
One problem I have is that UGridDungeonQuery::GetPathBetweenCells() doesn’t immediately work when building a dungeon at design time and starting a PIE session (OutSuccess is false). At least some of the other query commands (like GetFurthestRooms()) do work.
It can be fixed by calling BuildDungeon() again, for example in BeginPlay() and using a delay node to wait for a short time (even though MaxBuildTimePerFrameMs is 0.0, so it should be synchronous if I understand it correctly).
Can be reproduced easily by using GetPathBetweenCells() in BeginPlay() of a level blueprint with a level that contains a dungeon built at design time.
Not sure if that is a known limitation or a bug, but I couldn’t find it mentioned in the docs at least.
I’m on DungeonArchitect version 2.6.0 with UE 4.15.2.
Havent tried this yet… but has there been any news on side scroller support with this plugin?
Somewhere in the last few pages I think, so start on 41 and go backwards.
I think it would be nice for DA to support this: Prefab Tool - Prefab Support for Unreal Engine - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums
I just recently purchased DA, and I’m hoping these two will be able to work together
You can merge your dungeon with static content. 's the example @n00854180t was talking about:
In this example, the middle area is your static level content. You place a platform volume where you’d like a entrance to a procedural dungeon
@hippowombat Could you elaborate? You can have multiple dungeons within the same level (or in different streaming levels)
You can have height variations but not different floors stacked on top of each other with the default layout method. There are other layout methods as well, however they are a work in progress and DA is designed to add more layout methods in the future. The multi-story building video you saw was from the experimental FloorPlan layout builder
It is based on grids and the art assets of different size factors won’t fit well (like a gate of 2x the size)
That’s a good point and was a limitation which was addressed a few months ago. There’s a new feature called clustered themeing, which automatically splits up the dungeon into clusters and applies different themes to each cluster. This breaks monotony and adds variety to your level instead of having the same theme throughout
More info on this in the user guide
You’d mostly control this from the theme editor and probability / rules. You also have Spawn Logic, which are blueprints invoked when your actor is spawned into the scene. You can use this to initialize the actor that you just spawned (like set it to destructible, change the light color, etc)
's an example of destructible meshes spawned from the theme engine
I’d be happy to answer any other questions you have
@BStbck Thank you for your support and the bug report. It looks like the data model was not serialized properly when built from the editor. I’ll have a look
@ Thanks for the heads up. It looks like a very useful addition. I posted on the forum with some questions to @. It should be possible to drag drop the prefab assets to the theme editor and have the theme engine spawn it. However, I’m not sure if any extra initialization is needed by the prefab system after spawning