Dungeon Architect

I want to turn on GenerateOverlapEvent of Collision of StaticMeshComponent to be placed.
I tried to turn on GenerateOverlapEvent in MeshDetails Advanced properties of the theme, but it did not turn on in Outliner.
Does MeshDetails’ Advanced properties have no effect?

I’m sorry.
Because it is an English sentence created using google translation, it may be a slightly strange English sentence.

@nano06126728 There’s a bug where collision customization doesn’t update properly. As a workaround, try setting this in the mesh editor itself by double clicking your mesh from the content browser

I added in a landscape and when I hit play I get this crash:


Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second not available)

UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!UDungeonLandscapeModifier::RasterizeLayout() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\private\core\landscape\dungeonlandscapemodifier.cpp:140]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!UDungeonLandscapeModifier::OnDungeonLayoutBuilt_Implementation() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\private\core\landscape\dungeonlandscapemodifier.cpp:27]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!UDungeonEventListener::execOnDungeonLayoutBuilt() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\public\core\dungeoneventlistener.h:15]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!DungeonUtils::FDungeonEventListenerNotifier::NotifyDungeonLayoutBuilt() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\private\core\dungeoneventlistener.cpp:57]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!FDungeonBuilderTask::DoWork() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\private\core\dungeon.cpp:272]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!FAsyncTask<FDungeonBuilderTask>::DoWork() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\rocketsync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\asyncwork.h:264]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!FAsyncTask<FDungeonBuilderTask>::Start() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\rocketsync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\asyncwork.h:252]
UE4Editor_DungeonArchitectRuntime!ADungeon::Tick() [d:\build++portal+main+full\sync\localbuilds\plugintemp\hostproject\plugins\dungeonarchitect\source\dungeonarchitectruntime\private\core\dungeon.cpp:149]


Sorry, gotta go , more details later


I have a couple questions.

I am very interested in the Dungeon Flow Editor. I cannot find any documentation on it. Is it a work in progress? I did not see anything listed on the roadmap for it (except in old 2.0 roadmap).

Is there a way to update the properties of an object in a marker when you emit the marker in blueprints? I can set the socket type but the node does not return the marker object so I cannot modify it. So then I thought I will use Spawn Logic, but I do not have idea where this marker is in the dungeon, no context to make the changes I want, an example situation for this would be I want to modify the boss in the boss room to be the correct level for the player coming into the dungeon. I guess I could loop through all the markers in the event on Markers Emiited and find out where there are and modify them.

I guess to sum up I am trying to find the best way to customize how I place monsters, traps, treasure, and props and such in the generated dungeon. I want generate these details myself and then query the dungeon and plug them in at appropriate places.

Any tips would be appreciated. I have been through quick start guide and project and the docs many times. I am going to go through this monster thread and see what other tips are in .

Thanks for a great product.

One note along the lines of the Prefab stuff for generating levels. If you are trying to maximize performance and bake lightmaps, as I found myself doing in a recent VR project, I found the Instance Tool plugin to be very useful. Created maps with snap builder, then used Instance Tool to convert the blueprints to heirarchical instanced static meshes afterwards.

Really need a City Builder Tutorial. I need to make some levels in the next week an need some help generating city levels for my game. I have my assets I just need to get the concept of how to build using City Builder. I need to finish my demo in the next week. Hopefully we can get a updated City Builder tutorial. Thanks for the great work You have done on this plugin.

Hi, I understand it is a floor plan is experimental but I’m wondering if it is possible to place wall separators. I have been trying and it doesn’t seem to work. Cheers, thanks in advance.

Thank you for your response.
I will try it.

Did you get a to look at why the spatial constraints aren’t working in runtime? As par my previous post:

Bug found: Spatial Constraints cause meshes to not spawn in runtime generated dungeon in Standalone mode.

Steps to reproduce in sample project:
-Open Runtime Dungeon Map.
-In the starter pack theme, add any mesh and apply spatial constraint.
-The mesh will not spawn in Standalone mode. (works fine in editor) - meshes appear to never even be placed by DA.
-UE 4.15, DA 2.6

Daz, Thanks for the bug report. I’ve fixed the error and it won’t crash.

Note: this landscape transformer will not work at runtime because runtime landscape modifications are not allowed (engine limitation)

@AtticusFinch The Dungeon Flow Editor is a WIP

In your example above, I’d set this from outside the theme logic (like level blueprint or game mode bp). I’ll be adding blackboards in 2.7.0+ so you can do something like this in the future, provided you properly set the blackboard variables before building (PlayerLevel in this case)

So if you set the PlayerLevel blackboard variable to 10 before building the dungeon, your boss NPC would be spawned and the Spawn Logic BP would initialize the NPC to level 11 (Not implemented yet)

@lafilmcompany I’ll add a tutorial soon

@popawheelie, it should be easy. I’ll try to implement it in 2.7.0

@DrinkThisPotion I’ve fixed the issue and will be available in 2.6.1

Submitted 2.6.1 to Epic for review. This is a maintenance release with various bug fixes

Version 2.6.1

  • Fixed static lightmap baking issues with instanced mesh dungeons
  • Fixed a bug with PostDungeonBuild Listener Event which was getting fired before all the dungeon actors were spawned
  • Fixed Spatial Constraints not working on standalone build
  • Fixed a crash issue if Landscape modifier is enabled and the dungeon is built at runtime
  • Fixed a crash issue with the IsNearMarker node if the builder pin was not plugged in
  • Added a new help system to launch the documentation links from within the editor. This can be invoked from the Dungeon Actor’s details panel or from the theme editor’s toolbar
  • Added height variations to the custom grid builder

Hay is there a way to make the Dungeon Creation do a Step by Step like Handling, where it Creates the Room, with doors and such, then waits till I activate it to run the next sequence of Generation? Im working on making it so that the Level Slowly builds itself while the Dungeon is being created, Think of building blocks putting themselves together to form a house, but Im trying to get it to happen on a step by step basis instead of Generating the whole dungeon at once then turning everything off, and yea :stuck_out_tongue:

I am looking forward to it. My game is more of an open world style level instead of Dungeon style game. I bought this because of the City Builder. It is pure genius. I need to submit my game to Xbox soon and need to get my levels finished. Thank you for the great plugin.

@ It should be possible. I’m experimenting with splitting the dungeon into smaller clusters in separate levels and streaming them in the Unity version. Your post gives me an idea of generating / destroying clusters in the persistent level itself and it should keep things simple. I’ll explore more and let you know

2.6.1 is available in the launcher

@lafilmcompany I created a quick walk through video on creating a city theme
