I love the plugin, I’m having trouble downloading 1.5.3 for 4.12 though. The download is timing out at 50 megs. The 1.5.2 download was 100+ megs so I’m guessing I’m far away from getting it to download. Is there anyway you could update the download page to also include source-only versions? I’m just compiling from source so I don’t need the dlls or pdbs anyway.
Sooo coool!!!
@mekaknepley I’ve added the source code only version (3MB). I’ll also provide it for future updates
AMAZING!!! I need this!!! When is the release this version 2.0!
I’ve changed the download settings. Downloads will now grab your copy directly from amazon S3 and it should be much faster. Let me know if anyone faces issues with downloads
[MENTION=153863]Peterson Oliveira[/MENTION] Thanks. I’ll release a beta very soon
ooh god, i want it, thanks for this update!
Thank you for info. I’m a proud owner of Dungeon Architect for Unity. When can I expect 2.0 for Unity (this floor plan functionality looks really amazing).
I had to redesign the door connection algorithm using a more complex (but accurate) algorithm. Since volumes can be used to create rooms (or empty spaces), they have the side effect of splitting corridors into multiple parts and effectively blocking it off from the main reachable network. I use a rasterize / flood-fill based approach to connect everything properly and it would work with any configuration you throw at it
Curious, I did not see this on the marketplace and this thread ends in 2015. Is this product fully supported still?
Ignore my last post, I may have been viewing a cached version of this page. Is there a reason this is not on the unreal marketplace for purchase?
@Kunani DA was scheduled to be released tomorrow (Jun 23). I asked the team to hold off the release till 2.0 is released so you don’t have to go through an upgrade. I’ll resubmit soon.
At first I wanted to make my own dungeon generation logic. Now I might actually ditch that effort and buy it
Hey, finally on the Marketplace! Congratulations!
Hm. How is that going to handle the separate mac/pc downloads?
Does this mean that if I have a an entirely prefabbed room, belonging to a theme B, and put it as a volume in theme A, door would connect? (I guess I would need sort of manual markers, set in space when a preffabed room has its doors, wouldn’t I)?
Great job anyway!
Hey, , check this out. http://.inbetweengames.com/blog/discogenerator/
Looks great… Will the multi story be available in this release? I’m looking at your plugin and hoping it can help generate my multi level hotel layouts. For the elevator shafts would I simply place a negate volume in those corners covering each floor? Or is there a workflow for placing in preset stair cases/elevator assets? It looks like it would do what I want but want to make sure. Great job!
Thanks! The marketplace team will handle that by having pre-compiled binaries for both windows and mac, like how it is done in my website
You can specify a marker name in the room volume’s CenterMarker property (e.g. “ServerRoom”). Then create that marker in the theme file with a reference to your custom room. This is similar to how the garden prefab (with tree, rocks etc) are emitted in the center of the volume. You shouldn’t have walls/doors in your prefab though, as they are managed by the builder