Dungeon Architect

Thanks [MENTION=28980][/MENTION] slowly getting the hang of it and 4.12 is much better on OSX, this is really useful. I have a little question about stair markers. I want to have multiple ‘stair’ objects, some straight somer with fold back on themselves etc. so that means their constraints are more than just height as sometimes if I try and use Stair or Stair2x I have seen them emit at the end of corridors or corners of rooms and end up being two wide for that placement. Is it better do them use custom maker logic somehow (I assume I can get the intended position, room size and then move the marker?)

Also do you have a suggesting for adding Stair3x, 4x etc? - emit makers from the existing stairs would not work as far as I can tall as I need to know of the stairs will fit between rooms.

I’m working on releasing 2.0 beta soon.

I’m currently working on a floor plan builder, for properly creating multi-story buildings. I’ve implemented the algorithm with various parameters that lets you create rooms and hallways to connect the rooms. Below is a debug view of floor plan. Multiple floorplans can be stacked on top of each other with a NumFloors configurable parameter.

I’ll also add room constraints volumes to guarantee custom rooms at certain locations (like entrance lobby in the ground floor, lift / stair locations etc) and you can spawn your own custom blueprints at those locations (lifts, stairs etc)

I’ll have more on this tomorrow

(Red is hallway and green is room)

Very nice stuff… You should put on your list of todo’s is a galaxy builder, complete with stars, planets, moons, etc. I think people would dig it. By the way, not BILLIONS of stars, UE4 couldn’t handle it, but maybe 1,000 or 2,000…?


For procedural geometry, there’s no reason you couldn’t build millions of planets, as long as the user only visits one of them at a time, and traveling is like loading a new level.

/offtopic Wow Doom Snapmap looking sweet

A galaxy dungeon? :wink:

Perhaps, just going by what one of the devs said on twitch. You could reset the origin…? And, do what you suggest, but I would want something like Eve. If you can come up with something, please do… I’ll contribute both time and $ in its development.


That would be a BIG dungeon!

Wow the hallway and room division is very useful, thanks!!

Floorplan builder. I’ll add floors, stair/lift tomorrow


The floorplan builder looks great!

Wow, pretty cool stuff you got there!!!

The floorplan builder is great! As always, you provide excellent stuff! Keep up the great work!
By the way, sign me up for the 2.0 beta!

[MENTION=28980][/MENTION] - Would it be possible to make it so the Floorplan builder supports rooms/hallways that go (upward) through multiple levels? I.e., in the case that you set the builder to make like 3 levels, some of the rooms could go up from floor one to floor 3 height, rather than being one floor height tall only.

@n00854180t That’s a useful feature. I’ll add that. I have a room volume, which will create a room in that area in every floor it intersects. I’ll have a flag to make it a single room. This is also useful if you are using it to create a Lift, where it needs to be a single “room” across all the floors without any ceilings in between

Is there anything else you’d like to see?

If we could make it so we could do stairs in a similar way so they can also cross multiple floors, that would be amazing. Thanks! :smiley:

Looks great!
How will this affect City Architect?
If we are going to be able to make proper houses with Dungeon Architect, will City Architect be able to spawn these houses or will it have even more advanced house building features?
How well can it handle decorating outside? Things like adding decoration or balconies on the outside.

Excellent ! 2.0 looks fantastic !

Very Nice! I’m waiting this version 2.0…

Thanks everyone. I’ve made progress on the room volumes. You can use it to ensure a room is created at a particular location in the floor, and can span multiple floors.

is the building lobby, that spans 3 floors, and the building height is 4 floors. The top floor is not affected by the volume

http://i.imgur.com/uwKPkbbm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tfurbQ7m.jpg

If you extend the volume all the way up, it would create an open space in the building. I’ve created a garden in the middle of the building with a volume



You can specify the Marker names in the volume configuration to customise the generated content within the volume. In the volume config where the garden is created, I specified the following marker names

Then I added those markers in the theme file to create the tree, grass, glass walls etc