Dungeon Architect

Really happy to hear different builders will be easier to add.

Thanks for all your hard work!

[MENTION=28980][/MENTION] You are ! The Isaac builder is looking great! Is it possible to specify special rooms to be generated every time, but only once in a seed? Like Boss rooms which need to be spawned only once?
Anyway man, this will be great! WE ALL THANK FOR YOUR HARD WORK! Have a wonderful day!

  • can we prepare some special rooms with the generator? eg. Boos Room that you need to finish to open Portal Room? Wasnā€™t able to find answer on that.

@ Thanks for your support

@SethPDA Thank you!

@intoxicat3 Weā€™ll need some kind of a logic control flow for that. I plan on creating a graph editor for defining the control flow. Iā€™ll work closely with the community with I start working on that

Iā€™m having issues installing 4.11 (keeps getting this error in the launcher and restarts a 1.5gig download). Iā€™ve already had DA ported in 4.11p8 so the changes to 4.11 shouldnā€™t be much and Iā€™ll have that as soon as the issue is resolved.

Iā€™ll be away form home for the next two days so Iā€™ll have the 4.11 version available on Wednesday. Sorry for the delay

great example of logic is Ziggurat and how they generate theirs dungeons.

Hi, did you solve the problem? I faced the same problem some time ago, and I solved it uninstalling the VC 2015 redistributable (X64) and (X86), and then re install the engine version from launcher again.

@Alexarg Thanks for the heads up. I resolved it after uninstalling VS2015 redist and then reinstalling the launcher

Iā€™ve uploaded 1.5.1 with 4.11 support for both Windows and Mac. You can download it from the website.

What is the changelog?

I believe it is just 1.5.0 compiled for 4.11, so likely no changes aside from that.

Does your plug-in work on a Mac as I develop on one and if so, is it a separate version as I only see one listed on your site? Thanks.

Hi, could you post a 4.11.1 hotfix update? Thanks :slight_smile:

I was able to get the plugin to recompile against 4.11.1 by including a couple of headers and changing a few things. Havenā€™t tested yet.

Sorry if this has already been answered but I couldnā€™t find a straight answer to this.
Is there a limitation that the generated dungeons can only use dynamic lighting?
Is there is a way to have lighting built for a dungeon into lightmaps at some point? (besides building the lightmaps and saving the map)

Great product!

[MENTION=28980][/MENTION] - tried to create an account on your website to buy DA, but the captcha verification is broken. Iā€™m eager to buy this, but want to be able to have it tied to an account to get updates. Please let me know when this is fixed.


My dungeon theme file no longer loads. It crashes when ever I try to open it.

In void FDungeonArchitectEditor::HandleGraphChanged() ActionPalette is NULL. If I create a new theme it still crashes on load. I have had a few moment where the editor froze as I was playing with the values. Perhaps Iā€™ve corrupted something by forcing a shutdown via Visual Studio? I disabled the plugin, cleaned the project in VS and rebuilt - no luck. I also removed content I was no longer using but was once used in a theme file at one point.

This is a great plugin but Iā€™m going to hold off from using it for a while:

  1. Iā€™m concerned the support isnā€™t there. I sent an email when I had troubles downloading from your server after purchase and still havenā€™t heard from you. I eventually found an answers website but it looked like no one using it.
  2. I canā€™t use it as I canā€™t create new themes files. Donā€™t want to be too far into a project and hit this with no support.
  3. Would love some C++ documentation \ examples (networked game, real time generation, baked lighting(?), creating a dungeon generator)

I need to stress this is an AMAZING plugin. The video and written documentation is very well done. Iā€™ll be keeping an eye on it but itā€™s a bit too rough around the edges for me.

Keep up the great work.

@Bino, Iā€™ve resolved the breaking changes for 4.11.2. Sorry for the lack of response recently. Iā€™ll have a build very soon

@eudrea, You should be able to create static lighting by setting your movability to static and lightmass should pick it up during offline backing.
Do you face any issues with static lights? Iā€™ll also confirm this from my end.

Do you mean lightmap baking for dynamic dungeon created during runtime? I donā€™t have any plans to do that. You can use the UE4Edā€™s lightmass pipeline for static lighting (if you build your dungeon in the editor), or go for dynamic lighting if you are generating the dungeon at runtime while the game is running.