That’s Dota 2 theme music
@JVStudebaker Future updates of DA will be free. It will be updated for all the major releases of UE4 (4.11, 4.12 etc) and I’ll continue to improve and add new features after listening to the community. You can download the updates at anytime from the website.
The spatial constraints is now integrated within the theme file itself, so you can now decorate your scene with more control. Also, since it is now part of the theme file, you don’t have to deal with marker emitters to make this work.
Just enable Use Spatial Constraint, choose the layout type and enter your constraints of the neighbours
/cc: @sinsdementia @UppercutAJ @
Considering getting this, it looks absolutely amazing. A couple of questions:
- Could I use this to generate a town, with each building having an interior? Not enormous buildings, but more like little town houses, maybe two or three floors.
- Is it suited for larger, open spaces that aren’t dungeons in the traditional sense?
[Edit:] - Also, would it be possible at all to do hex-based grids rather than square?
- great to hear!!
Holy moly, i was waiting since forever for corner solution. Great stuff.
Is this update live?
Is it then possible to replace these furthest apart rooms with ones you have made in blueprints? Say you have rooms that you need to guarantee are a particular size with objects in specific locations, say like a puzzle room that isn’t dynamically generated.
Created a new theme example showcasing the corner emitter feature
The art is free (CC0) and can be used in your commercial games. Credits
That is a nice addition to the builder! Looks great. Gonna test it out!
That would be great!
Opps I meant this would be great!
I have a feature request.
When designing a premade dungeon in a level, I can use the DungeonThemeOverride Volumes to give different rooms different themes. it would be great for the Runtime generation to also be able to assign random themes to ‘Rooms’ it generates from a list of possible themes.
Simple use case would be a Jail level where there are 3 room themes, a Prison Cell, a Store Room and a Jailer Office.
Can I just check, can this be used for runtime generation at all? just on desktop etc?
When will this feature be available to use? next point version?
Level that can’t be traversed
We just came across this level that can’t be traversed:
's the whole level:
's a zoomed in image showing where a door should be:
@ I’ll have a look
@UppercutAJ I’ll release it soon
I’m working on finalizing 2.0. The reason for internal refactoring was to make it easy to add new types of builders (layout algorithms). 's the first builder to generate levels like in the game Binding of Isaac
Isaac Builder
The demo also comes with a cam controller to move the cam from room to room as the player moves through it
The room layout can be a rectangular or have different random layouts. You can supply your own implementation and swap it from the configuration
The Isaac builder emits markers named similar to the default builder (Ground, Wall, Door etc). So your existing themes will also work with this