@Alexarg, yes that should be possible. It’s simple graph theory to find a node (room / corridor cell) before the locked door cell. I used to play Chips Challenge as a kid. Levels like those could be a good test case.
Finished refactoring the code
DA now has a good core for future updates and is easy to extend with new builders. The editor mode tab picks up the UI and the tools (e.g. paint tool) from the builder’s implementation. So custom tooling for new builders can also be defined.
I’m now working on the UI corner constraints
@ its it possible in your current system to have pre-made rooms (ala blueprints) during the inflation stage of your dungeon, say a pre-made start room and end room, that follow additional inflation rules like they repel each other ensuring that they are at opposite ends of the dungeon?
This would be !
This would be !
Definitely would be great!!!
Always good news!
You can find two farthest rooms in the map (graph theory) and use them as start / End. The Control flow graph would give you more control on that when it’s done. I’ll provide a helper function to find these start / end rooms that are far apart. Have that in Unity
Spatial Constraint customization in Node level (for detecting corners, edges, etc)
I poured through the engine code and got this detail customization finally working
A builder can define constraints (and corresponding UI) in the node level and work on those constraints for selecting the nodes
The default Grid based builder defines 3 constraint configuration
3x3 - useful for floor constraints
2x2 - useful for pillar constraint
Edge - useful for wall constraints
Each cell can have one of the 3 states:
- Occupied
- Empty
- Don’t Care
This way you can selectively add nodes that are designed for corners, edges. T-junctions, X-junctions, Single-lane corridors etc
I didn’t implement the logic yet. Will have more tomorrow
Is it possible (or if not, would it be possible to implement) to defined areas/volumes within which runtime(or offline) generated dungeon can be re-generated (so that you trip a trigger, some parts of the dungeon would be “reconfigured”) ?
Is it already possible to have several “rooms” that are hand-made, and have DA to build connections between them ?
Ail by painting tool I mean something very simple:
- new volume (or maybe variant of existing one), or just paint over existing dungeon.
- list of all nodes created in theme designer (maybe some property there that says “expose” to painting tool, so its not cluttered by those minor nodes)
- and ability to rotate it 90 deg (or any snapping angle), and snap as walls floor or roof, at place of selected tile.
This mainly is for “fixing” where dungeon creating algorithm messed up. Like corners, doors that open right at some decoration meshes. Adding bigger windows, painting some decorations, or painting pipes under floor. Stuff that is doable currently but its a lot of work.
And second idea, this time for mobile developers:
They would be really happy (because 100mb file size limit hurts), to have snapshot and save of dungeon, so they could save all tiles and seed of dungeon instead of saving level unreal way. This thing could save some megabytes for them.
And yes this plugin works for mobile, just not in runtime (well maybe in runtime also but generating maze would probably take some time on phones). You can always create dungeon, then save it as normal level and remove plugin before packaging for mobiles.
This plugin is great for game prototyping, you get some tile set from market, get Dungeon architect and you can make your test map (or test maps). No need of doing new maps when you change gameplay like movement speed, you just rescale your theme, and create new dungeon fitting better. Really speeds up testing for camera, gunplay movement, AI behavior etc.
Silly question but what is the piece of music in the Grasslands demo (https://.youtube.com/watch?v=MkYJn2egYys)
I bought the plugin but my download got interrupted because of slow internet. Now it keeps redirecting me to the home page when I try to download again. What to do?
And yes, that general dungeon layout&flow editor would be .
hey all -
been checking this out for some time - and getting ready for purchase.
quick question to the dev. in purchasing DA - are all future updates free? i’m only asking because i couldn’t find any language saying as such on your web - unless i missed it
thanks - can’t wait!!
@JVStudebaker - Thus far all updates have been free, I assume that’s going to continue unless says otherwise.
thanks mate - yea, i was kinda curious because i know it’ll hit the marketplace soon enough - and wanna make sure updates are available thereafter as well.
I have a few questions. I hope someone can make these things clearer for me
In all youtube-demos and in the documentation the levels were relatively flat. (there are stairs, but thats only a small hight difference) Is there a way to generate a more 3D layout? Iam looking for floors which are crossing above each other. Or rooms above other rooms. I am working on an underground dungeon-crawler, where you can walk around and when you go down into the deepness you shouldnt feel like your walking down floor by floor.
Is there a way to generate rooms with different heights? Iam looking for different kind of halls with pillars and archways and other kind of rooms that are not for a topdown-game.
Is there a timeframe for the marketplace release?
- currently you can place 2 dungeons one on top of another, however i am not sure if stairs up can be done procedurally. I think is working on something more 3d
- yes you can make different heights, just create theme with walls that have more meshes going up, or higher meshes.
- that i belive depends on epic. Dungeon is compiled C++ plugin (but you have full source if you buy), marketplace does not support yet that format.
How do I prevent doors from spawning too close to each other? I’m looking at the Logic Selectors but I can’t seem to find anything that will help me do that.
Doors are part of the layout algorithm and are generated early in the process (from the builder) so selectors will not help
Is it undesirable because the doors overlap? If so, open up the door blueprint make their swing angle to <= 90 so they don’t overlap
@ Thanks for the feedback. I’ll look into this