Dungeon Architect

Just want to add that the one time I had a support issue, was extremely helpful- he responded within an hour, and within 24 hours the issue was completely resolved. :slight_smile:

Great to see.

I was thinking that instead of just posting feature requests , maybe your bug tracker could be used?

Or maybe your github repo?

As a general note, I find that ideas get lost within forum threads and get repeated.

! Glad to :slight_smile: Iā€™d love to play your game

yeah they do get buried in forum threads. We can have bug reports and feature requests in the bug tracker and How-to questions in the Q&A site

Added major improvements to the performance of the theme editor. The preview scene in the theme editor builds the scene over multiple frames (like the dungeon actor) instead of building it all at once and blocking the UI thread. This makes the UI responsive even with large theme files. Also fixed the randomness consistency issues within the theme editor

Iā€™m revisiting the Landscape modifier I build a while ago.

This will let you procedurally modify the landscape and the surrounding, if you donā€™t want to use ground meshes. You can control the steepness of the surrounding cliff using a Curve data object.

, if you need help compiling or editing documentation, let me know - I love your plugin and would happily spent some of my free time to help out.

Umm, WOW.

Going to be going through more of these threads!

Your work is amazing @AliAkbar

Nixlim, thats very kind of you, thank you. Since I am charging for the plugin, you donā€™t have to spend your free time. Iā€™ll be working on the documentation in the coming days.

I might not be able to reply to this thread frequently as thereā€™s a communication blackout in my city due to floods. Internet was restored just now but still unreliable

@richardboegli Thanks!

New Build Available (v1.4.0)

  • Performance improvements in the theme graph editor. The preview scene is populated over multiple frames to avoid stalling the UI thread and making the UI more responsive
  • Added an experimental Cave Builder. Added a cave builder sample to the quick start guide
  • Added 2D version of the Cave Builder. Added a 2D cave sample to the quick start guide

Amazing work, canā€™t wait to try the cave builder! :smiley:

Hey - Love what you are doing with this plug in. That said - A status update on City Architect would be . There are some people asking about it over in the thread.

Stay Safe,


It will update when version 4.10?

Is there any way of defining mandatory rooms that will be placed / generated? Would be helpful for Diablo style dungeon creation.

Thanks HeadClot. Iā€™ve updated the City Architect thread with progress update :wink:

Yes, the update is for 4.10. Do you need it with 4.9?

Quick questionā€¦
Would this plugin be helpful for ArchViz projectsā€¦!!?
I mean; can I use my own assets to create my environmentā€¦?
Thank you

Well, I certainly am - and people are just throwing in stuff from Infinity Blade, so yeah, pretty much anything will fit.


With the 1.4.0 update, Iā€™m getting an error message at startup of my 4.9 project that ā€˜DungeonArchitectRuntimeā€™ could not be found. Any help would be appreciated.


, do you have a rough estimation when your plugin will be available for the marketplace? Iā€™m looking forward to using it, but I fear missing updates if I get it from the external site (like forgetting to check if an update is available). :confused: