@Tanag We don’t have a way of explicitly defining the positions of the doors in a room, so this tool won’t help without creating a new type of a builder.
Beautiful artwork btw
@Tanag We don’t have a way of explicitly defining the positions of the doors in a room, so this tool won’t help without creating a new type of a builder.
Beautiful artwork btw
Thanks for the quick reply. Guess I’ll stick with rolling my own solution then. Thanks!
looking tool by the way. Hopefully one day I can find a use for it.
Thanks. Wish I could take credit but my artist is the real hero. I’ll pass along the praise.
Will Cave Builder be part of the Dungeon Architect or will it be a separate plugin?
It will be a part of DA
Cave Builder (Paper 2D Awesomeness)
Created a Paper2D version of the cave builder too. This was generated procedurally using DA
Initially, the builder algorithm generated this structure:
Then I created a reusable Marker Emitter BP to beautify it. The marker emitter queries the surroundings and emits custom markers to decorate the tiles based on the context. You can use reuse this blueprint for your other levels too. I’ll post this in the quick start samples soon. Heres the blueprint:
Theme file with custom marker implementations:
Some more random genearted levels:
Credits: art by Blarget2
The cave generator (personally most interested in 3d) looks amazing!
Hey @, have features like the building generation already been implemented or are they being held for a later release?
Hey -
Got a few suggestions for Dungeon Architect -
Huge yes to both of these, especially #2. Both are features that I think a lot of developers are going to end up having to build on their own, much more clumsily than if an expert does it.
Looks !
I’d like these also .
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I’ll look into this soon.
I created a demo for the cave builder (using the side scroller). The cave builder requires some more work (refining the final result with some cleanup, opening up blocked pathways etc)
I created a simple rock in blender and set it up for some nice low-poly rendering. I’ll bundle the blender file along with the sample demo
I just want to iterate how happy I am that you’re working on this and City Architect, your work on these two is directly responsible for allowing my game to have the scope I was dreaming of.
Great plugin at a fantastic price however it is poorly supported and vastly undocumented. Tutorials videos have a series of volume issues that make the author almost completely unheard.
Emailing goes responded for weeks, it seems the only method of gather the authors attention is to post in this thread, not viable for a commercial venture.
Would still recommend but only to those that are comfortable self-supporting and digging into the code to figure out issues.
Just bought this, looks . Keep up the great work.
How do I delete a custom placed block?
When I regenerate a dungeon, the custom blocks still exist. This makes sense, but I cannot remove them.
I couldn’t find any mention in the documentation, quick skip through video tutorials
Am I missing something from my UI?
The Dungeon Architect - User Guide has a select button.
But mine does not.
Pease advise.
@Paultech, I’m sorry for not replying sooner. I’ll work on fixing the voice issues with the video tutorials and put in more work in the documentation and support
@richardboegli This makes sense, I’ll add a button to clear all the custom placed blocks. If you want to remove selective ones, you can Shift+Left Click on a cell to remove it. (I removed the Select button as it was not used)
@AliAkbar Thanks for that. I just found it in the documentation.
Hold Shift key and draw over an existing custom geometry (cyan) to erase
May I suggest you move this higher up so that it sits under the paint tool heading?
@richardboegli Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll update the docs
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