Dungeon Architect

The theme editor now supports any type of asset. If you can drop an asset in the level editor, you can also drop it in the theme editor and if it doesn’t understand it (e.g. prefabricator asset, paper2d, third party assets, etc) it would create an actor node and ask the editor to initialize the actor node template with the asset

This removes a big limitation we had previously for supporting third party assets in the dungeon theme. This also works in standalone builds

In the video below, DA doesn’t know anything about Paper2D or Prefabricator


The actor nodes show better thumbnails. They used to show actor class thumbs. Now it tries to extract the asset it uses and show that instead. If not, it falls back to showing the class icon



Create multi-floor dungeons easily with the new dungeon flow system using graph grammars


The Graph Grammar rules to generate this






**RESULT GRAPH **used by the snap builder



Must have, CAN NOT WAIT!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve release 2.11.0 on my website (only Windows). I’ll test the mac version and submit the update to the marketplace for review tomorrow

Edit: Mac version is also available on the website

Version 2.11.0

  • New: Dungeon Flow Editor - Design and control the flow of your dungeons using this powerful new feature using Graph Grammars
  • New: Snap Map Builder: A new builder that allows you to stitch pre-made rooms together using the dungeon flow system. This builder has now been moved out of work in progress state
  • New: Mini Map framework - Generate procedural mini-maps for your dungeons and decorate them with your materials. It supports fog of , static and dynamic icons and other features
  • New: Level Streaming Framework - A reusable node based level streaming framework that loads only the nearby accessible rooms on demand, keeping the framerate high
  • New: Level Streaming Navigation - Optimized level navigation system that properly updates as new new chunks are streamed in
  • New: Proto Tools - New Prototyping art assets to quickly create dungeon pieces and rooms for your SnapMap builder
  • New: Modes Category - The modes window now has placement categories for Dungeon Architect and ProtoTools to easily find and drop related actors on to the scene
  • New: Added a sample game to demonstrate the new Snap Map dungeon builder
  • New: Added blueprint access to cluster themes
  • New: Theme editor supports drag-drop of any type of asset from the content browser. If it doesn’t understand an asset (e.g. Paper2d, Prefabricator), it would create an actor node and ask the engine to initialize the template. This removes the previous limitaion of supporting third-party plugins
  • New: Theme editor shows better thumbnail for the actor node by showing the thumbs of the asset it uses. If it cannot find one, it falls back to the class type icon like before
  • Fix: Fixed a null pointer issue with the marker emitter node in some cases of bulk deletion
  • Fix: Fixed all level streaming stability issues
  • Fix: The snap map builder generates the dungeon from the Dungeon Actor’s location instead of (0,0,0)
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Grid Builder Thick Wall/Door Support - Redesigned the grid builder layout strategy to fully support thick walls and doors (i.e. walls/doors taking up one full tile, instead of an edge)

Great update !!! I think you meant to say “keeping the framerate HIGH” :wink:

Download the sample game binaries that uses the mission graph and new mini-map framework

Binaries Game Demo

Game Source

The game source requires the following:
UE4: 4.21
Dungeon Architect: v2.11.0 (grab it from the website for now, till is shows up in the launcher in a few days)
Instructions: Create an empty blueprint project. Unzip the game source file and copy it over to your contents folder

haha yes. fixed

Anyway I could get access? I purchased through marketplace and would love to test this out sooner than when Epic decides to update.

Sure, I’ve sent you the codes. If anyone else needs it let me know

I’ve upload the mac version to the website, so you should be able to use it on both windows and mac

Submitted 2.11.0 to the marketplace for review. I’ll keep you posted

Trying to add the flow and the Snap Map Dungeon Config looks nothing like what you have in the video, should i try to rebuild the plugin?

Hello [USER=“28980”][/USER], I purchased your product at the marketplace and I love it so far. I was going through the video tutorials and I’m wondering how do I create windows only in the outside of the entire generated structure? I don’t want windows inside a building, that would look odd. I believe selector logic to find the room first but then another logic to find walls that belong to the outer most structure. Any help would be great. Thanks!

I had to delete the binaries folder and rebuild, works perfectly now!

Do you plan to add prefabricator node support? Or is the new Proto Tools a replacement for that?

Now I am having issues where when I close the editor it doesnt save the dungeon. Also, it doesnt show up in runtime?

For some reason destructibles only work with Enable Impact Damage, instead of also by collision projectile https://.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6jiojwm7s&feature=youtu.be Any ideas how to fix this, or do i miss a setting?

@unit23 Prefabricator and all other third party assets are supported by DA with the new update. However, Prefabricator needs an update (an actor factory class) for this to work, which I’ll release shortly

You’d simply drag drop the prefab asset on to the theme editor

@riuthamus It should show on runtime, you’ll need to build the dungeon. It doesn’t save the level streaming dungeons built in the editor by design as it caused lots of issues in the previous versions (increased disk size, source control issues etc)

Please check the sample game source for more info. I’ll have proper documentation soon