I’ll have a look. In the mean time, have a look at this: GitHub - coderespawn/dungeon-architect-ue4-demo-dm
I’ll have a look. In the mean time, have a look at this: GitHub - coderespawn/dungeon-architect-ue4-demo-dm
Kudos on the new Snap Map Dungeon Builder. It’s excellent and easy to use.
[USER=“59677”]J.C. Smith[/USER] Glad you like it
[USER=“28980”][/USER] Can you show an example of “thick wall/door” ? a usecase scenario?
How can I update this with the UE Launcher? There was briefly a orange icon reading update available, but clicking it and nothing happenes. Is still 2.10 in my project.
Apparently you need to click the text under your active UE Engine installation “Installed Plugins”. Very confusing that you have the other icon with the update text doing nothing, and its not in the VaultCache, even though it is sorted under VAULT …
I was following the Example #1 http://coderespawn.github.io/dungeon-architect-user-guide-ue4/stage/html/user_guide_2.7.html#example-1-2 but the Break DungeonModel node from the Event Model node is not available in 4.21.1, and it is unclear how to use the inbuild “BPM Cell Center Emitter” Mark Emitter in the FloorPlanBuilder.
Last update won’t compile:
It’s a very small problem with an easy fix: i just had to specify a dummy category and it worked, so it’s just so you know
It also seems that the layout of computed dungeons has changed. I have some very carefully chosen default parameters in my game and those changes mess my default dungeons.
Do you know if this is something that will happen often ?
Ouch, i get this pop up when lauching the packaged game:
The game is still working though, there seems to be no other consequences than the pop up at start.
I need to package my game today for a patch, do you see any workaround to this that i could apply by myself, or do i have to wait for your next fix ?
Thanks !
UE 4.20.3.
On 4.21 all is fine
Hi! I’m new with DA plugin (and overall new to UE4). Could you tell precisely where did you make dummy category to make compiling working again? I have same problem, but I’ve no idea how to make it work. I’m working on Blueprints only.
Best regards!
I’ll have the issues fixed soon. I rewrote the corridor connection algorithm to produce better quality results, which changed the way the random numbers would be generated over the course of the dungeon generation. I’ll give a heads up next time this happens
Do not copy SnapMap Door? Every time need to place a new door from content browser?
Floor plan building with destruvtible meshes https://.youtube.com/watch?v=N6vKOd5a4o4 How would I add a unique single entrance door?
How would I know which version is installed via Launcher ? (I updated plugin from the Marketplace through the launcher, but I have no idea which one it is now)
The version number is displayed on the editors plugin page.
Oh, duh, I totally forgot about that one :o Thx
Is this manual quite outdated https://coderespawn.github.io/dungeon-architect-user-guide-ue4/stage/html/user_guide_2.7.html ? Any plans to update it for the latest version of DA ? (along with quick start guide, adding new examples)
Thanks beforehand