Does packaged Lumen/Ray Traced project work with a non-rtx card?


I was wondering what would happen If a project runs with a non-RTX graph card that is set up with lumen/ray tracing?

Also, I am curious about how that works in VR. They don’t have RTX as I know.

Could you help me with these questions?


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Lumen has a software mode that does not require GPUs to support DXR and an option to “Use Hardware Ray Tracing when available” which does. Hardware raytracing has much better reflections and is less picky how scenes are constructed.

Lumen doesn’t support VR.


So what would happen if running a Lumen game on a gtx 980 or 800/700 series card? Because in the Lumen documentation it says that Lumen is only supported on GTX 1070 and higher?

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Lumen used to work fine on a GTX 970, but requirements may have changed. I know Nanite and VSM worked on a GTX 970 until 5.2.

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