Does Niagara work on mobile devices?

Hello, I tried import FX Niagara particle system into the mobile project, content examples. I see the particle on the viewport, but nothing seen on the mobile android device. Does new Niagara support mobile devices?

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I make a lot of research about that and on one of the streams from Epics, they say Niagara not supported on the mobile devices. On now 4.21. version. But in the future Epics will update Niagara and its great. Hope they make new documentation and more tutorials with new features on the new particle system. Thanks.

Same here,
researched a bit and it did not show up on mobile devices, now on 4.21.2. The 4.22 Preview 1 Release Notes do not say anything about support either.

Yes :confused: but i hope that Niagara will be work on the mobile devices.

Yes it works on mobile if you build it on vulkan for android and metal for iOS. I have tried android and it works on Vulkan.