Does Niagara GPUCompute Sim work on mobile devices?

Hello all, I’m using UE4.27 and testing Niagara Grid2D on mobile and found out that the niagara system with GPUCompute Sim doesn’t show either on mobile preview or the actual android device.

I’m wondering if Niagara CPUCompute Sim works on mobile at all? or does it just requires some special configuration to work on mobile?

And I simplified the test to a standard fountain emitter, like this:

We can see that CPU sim works well on PC. And when I change to Android Vulkan preview, it still works. Like this:

Howerver, when I just change Sim Target from CPUSim to GPUCompute Sim, PC works well, but the preview broke.

By the way, I’ve already searched the forum and google. No much info on this. The most relevant one is this: Does Niagara work on mobile devices?


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Thank you for the reply! Sorry I didn’t got to this earlier. I’ve been testing other problems.

And I’ve tried your way, and this is what I’ve found out:

  1. Setting Preview Rendering Level to either Android ES or Vulkan has the same outcome.

  2. When enabling the Preview Rendering Level in editor, GPU Niagara Particles won’t show.

  3. When using Mobile Preivew (PIE), GPU Niagara Particles shows regardless of setting preview rendering level to OpenGL ES or Vulkan.

  1. Android device with Vulkan API, GPU Particles work.

Conclusion: Niagara GPU Particles work on ‘Mobile Preview ES 3.1’ mode but don’t work with viewport preview. And on actual Android device with Vulkan API, GPU Particles work.