Does Dx12 supports Intel(R) HD 4000 Graphics Card on UE 5.1.1 as I am getting 'Missing support for advance rendering features' message?

Getting ‘Missing support for advance rendering features’ message. Currently I am learning UE 5.1.1 and it does not load the existing template as it is. I see it loads with some changes and when I tried to do any changes following tutorial, it does not work. Could not convert materials to nanite materials.

Below are my system configuration.

Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
Installed RAM: 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Edition: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 22H2
OS build: 19045.2913
Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19041.1000.0

Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
DirectX Version: DirectX 12

Let me know if more information required. Kindly help me with this.

Hey @Swapvid,

In theory it could work, however the Ivy bridge you are using looks to be from 2012 and may not support more current features, not to mention only being built-in graphics so will not really stand up to any intense work like Nanite, raycasting, large scenes, etc. You would be better off getting yourself a graphics card to run UE as recommended:

Hey guys,
I have a game i used to “Test” on an IntelHD4000,
Upgraded it to UE 4.27.x and it no longer works.
The card does not have DX12 support that works.
It works in UE 4.26.x in DX11 fine.
In 4.27+ i get an error “Fatal Error. E_INVALIDARG”
Have not been able to fix it, i assume something was changed in 4.27 onwards that it possibly lacks support for the required shader level.


I am getting the same message in my graphic card ‘Missing support for advance rendering features’