Does Crowd avoidance work with Pawn?

According to the documentation apparently it should work with any pawn but here is my problem:

I am not using the character movement component, I made my own movement component that derives from pawn movement component. It works fine with the navmesh, so when I use MoveToActor it ends up calling my movement component method RequestDirectMove(const FVector& MoveVelocity, bool bForceMaxSpeed) that I overrode and I do the necessary movement from there using the MoveVelocity. But when I turn on Detour Crowd it still calls this method but the MoveVelocity param that it sends is just a vector 0.

So I’m wondering if it does work and I’m doing something wrong or it doesn’t work without a character movement component.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me with this!

For everyone who will face with that problem:
I was able to add Detour Crowd to AI Controller, my custom movement component is based on UPawnMovementComponent. To achive this I started to use default Velocity field in movement component, overridden GetMaxSpeed and GetActorFeetLocation methods (they are used by UCrowdFollowingComponent).
Crowd avoidance doesn’t work so good (I think, full avoidance should work with pathfinding), but in some situations my pawn bypasses other pawns.

Also custom movement component should implement IRVOAvoidanceInterface interface (and configure groups). After that my pawn avoids other pawns good enough :).