I’m new to UE and Visualstudio, but it seems like the VS IntelliSense does not syntax check any of the UHT macro parameters. Specifically with the UFUNCTION() macro, I had an obscure error pointing to a M$makefile when I fat-fingered the parameter “BluesprintReadWrite” instead of “BlueprintReadWrite”. Being noob, this took me a while to track down because of no IntelliSense squiggle or error pointing me to the offending line, so naturally I want to help myself avoid this in the future.
Is this simply a limitation of the UE4 macro system/reflection code, or do I simply not have something configured correctly in VS 2013 Community?
It’s limiation of C++ macros, macros are like templates which arguments fills empty spaces, C++ compiler and Intelisense have 0 idea what is valid and what is not, it assumes everything is ok and if something wrong happen with will show errors from the code generated from macro, or else there error specified in macro.
Point 1 is not the case with UHT macros, as those macros are empty in code, C++ compiler and Intellisense simply ignore them or rether put empty code on them. Those macros are only used by UHT which is not compiler or part of Intelliusence, as a markers what to do with thing below them. There for Intellisense have 0 chance to even know what is valid or what is not.
So there no way to fix that, maybe some VS plugin will popup that will help? Plus is UHT errors shows up pretty fest in building process