I’ve noticed that in large levels or environments, I get warnings about my Texture Streaming Pool being too large. I’m wondering if I use level streaming, or hide actors at various times, will this decrease the TSP?
This is a permanent feature. Streaming pool is set at 1G, ie too small.
I suspect that hiding actors will decrease the usage, but the engine is already dealing with the texture display in the most efficient way possible.
You can increase the pool using the console command:
r.Streaming.PoolSize 2000
for instance. It’s safe to get somewhere between 2 and 4G, whatever sort of hardware you’re expecting your game should run on.
If you increase it and still get the message, it’s time to start looking at what you’re doing with textures. In other words the base resolution and mip settings.
Awesome! Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the reply. The reason I’m asking is actually that I was considering merging all of my levels into one map file and then loading them in and out of visibility as needed for a more seamless loading system and to give the feeling that the player is in one large city. I’m worried that if I do this, it’s going to cause the streaming pool to get out of hand, and I was hoping that level streaming would take care of it.
Level streaming will take care of it. For this case, streaming volumes would work best.
Also, there is world composition, if it’s very large: