If I reference UDataAssets or BP classes via FSoftObjecetPath or FSoftClassPath? Are these guaranteed to be included in the cooked builds?
I develop using FSoftObjectPtr and have gotten passed the build phase and had cook errors which related to a my FSoftObjectPtr variables.
I’d be curious to find out for sure if this is true!
There seems to be a SkipSoftReferences
option that can be passed when cooking. https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/46544fa5e0aa9e6740c19b44b0628b72e7bbd5ce/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/CookOnTheSide/CookOnTheFlyServer.h#L73
It has a comment saying
Don’t follow soft references when cooking. Usually not viable for a real cook and the results probably wont load properly, but can be useful for debugging
So I would assume it’s not set by default.
The answer is yes, by default, FSoftObjectPath
and FSoftClassPath
introduce cook dependencies. I was able to verify this with some test builds.
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