I use DF in the shader for the depth effect, but due to the render radius, I get such an artifact. How to increase range?
Hi ,same problem here,have know the reason yet?there seems no console commend to incease draw distance。
Go into world settings and adjust global distance field view distance
Thanks a lot ! but this only changed the Globle distance field view distance ,how do I change mesh distance fields draw distance?
I also tried adjusting the Global DistanceField View Distance value in the world settings, but it didn’t change anything.
If I go into the Show->Visualize->Global Distance Field view, it also shows me that the distance is still the same and thus culling some of the material effects that are making use of DistanceToNearestSurface in a large scene.
Normal view (with water foam getting culled at a certain distance)
Global Distance Field view (You can see where the global distance field ends and thus also the foam)
Any other solutions or perhaps console variables that could increase the range?
best regards
Hello everyone, I bump this old thread because I can’t seem to find any answers.
I have the exact same problem, unable to change the draw distance when using DistancetoNearestSurface on a material in a large scene.
Anyone found a solution ?
Best regards,
Bump this thread, can someone find a solution?
Anyone fond a way to increase the distance?
Same issue, anyone came up with a solution please?