Distance Field generated on random meshes only

Hello, I need some help or advise. I have a scene, part of a city with 2500 meshes, just simple boxes. When I click “Generate mesh distance fields” and restart the editor, it starts to build 2500 meshes, everything goes fine, but after buid, there are only 1/3 of all meshes has DF shadows. I’ve tried to rebuild with compression, in other projects, nothing helped. The only way I found to make it work is to manualy set “Distance field resolution scale” to 2 → apply, wait building, then back to 1 and again hit apply. After that manipulation shadow appears, but this works not with all meshes and after project restart it becomes randomly again. What is strange that there is no noticeable difference between meshes, which has or has not DF, I checked sizes, base material after import, groups, but did not find any matches. Is it possible to increase memory size for DF data?
p.s. All I want is to make shadows to do not disappear on far distances and looks fine on close, so I decided to use cascades for close and DF for far distances. Correct me if there are other lighting scenarios.