Disabling Tonemapping

I’ve yet to find a satisfactory solution to this problem.

So I’m messing around with Minecraft stuff, The problem is the way everything looks when I hit play. All the materials used are unlit, no lights are present either, to get the look of Minecraft, the trouble is Tonemapping completely destroys the look of everything.

Here’s how it should look, Tone mapping disabled.

Here’s how it actually looks, Tone mapping enabled.

Notice how the hair on the girl model is desaturated with tone mapping, It’s driving me mad!

Basically, in the simplest terms, How can I make it look like the top image all the time.

you can use the PostProcessVolume. Change postprocess settings>Film>Crush highlights, from default 0.18 to 1.Your saturated highlights will be back.

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Thanks, it’s quite an improvement but still not perfect but much better than before. I also turned down contrast to 0 in film and vignette intensity to 0.

Here how it looks with no Tonemapper

And with it now with the changes.

Dark colors are made slightly darker. It’s a great improvement from before but any Idea if I can make it better? If It I can get it to be pixel perfect then that’d be great.

there is also a parameter called crush shadows just upon the crush highlights,maybe you can try that.

Sadly that does nothing, Believe me, that was the very first thing I tried right after crush highlights. The results so far are adequate, I found myself forget whether or not I have tone mapper on or off. there still a small difference but unless I’m really looking for it I can’t see it anymore.

I’ve been struggling with this very same issue, and the only help I’ve found from epic has been them telling me to leave tonemapping on because it’s phsyically correct. I’m not looking realism, c’mon!

Dissable Color Grading and Tone mapper completly or...!? - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums!

This may help you even more !

type ShowFlag.Tonemapper 0 in the console

sure I’ll ask the people playing my game to do that in the console
I mean come on, is there no project setting ?


You can add the console command to your level blueprint, so it executes at runtime.

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Hey, this tutorial might help you

UE5.1 doesn’t work。just ShowFlag.Tonemapper and ShowFlag.Tonecurve

You can disable the tonemapper properly by finding this line in PostProcessTonemap.usf

half3 OutDeviceColor = ColorLookupTable(LinearColor);

and changing it to

half3 OutDeviceColor = LinearColor.rgb;