I was just curious, because I was trying to modify the rotation of a stationary directional light in the construction script of a blueprint system I am working on. I tried modifying it in the editor through my blueprint and it did not move…is this a known limitation or a bug?
Hey fragfest2012 -
You should be able to move the light freely, but I want to ask what is the Root component in your blueprint. If the light is the root, add a scene component (basically a placeholder) as the Root with the light underneath it and try to change rotation in the construction script again.
If this doesn’t work for you please can you let me know what version of the Engine you are using and is it Compiled or from the Launcher?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I wasn’t clear enough I think. My blueprint is just a scene root and a billboard texture for the editor. It actually modifies/works with actors that are placed in the scene rather than its own components. So in my scene I would have this actor, a directional light actor, and a BP_Sky_Sphere actor; this actor’s code affects the other actors.
Are you cast to the items in your level, or using Blueprint Functions?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I have a directional light actor variable in my blueprint, which I set to editable. Then I set that variable in the actor’s properties in the level to my level’s directional light. I use that variable to make changes.
I have same problem , I tried modify stationary directional light rotation using SetActorRotation(), however it didn’t change.