Difficulties with Team settings & Inventory

HI CREATORS! I recently started building some creative maps, that I want to publish in the near fututre. But I think I run kinda into a problem.

I hope I can explain it as detailed as possible :slight_smile:

So… I finished a map witch is gonna be available in four different modes. Therefore I created four of them and migrated the finished builds to all of them trough Asset Action. But here is the thing. The maps should have a little of a difference when it comes to team selection. But the Inventory stays the same.

But unfortunately something doesnt work right. When I place a team settings & Inventory device in UEFN and place some guns, ammo, consumable and build in it, it doesnt show the guns/consumables in game when I start it directly in UEFN. I dont kown if its just a bug or if I do something wrong. This problem happens to all of the maps I want to publish. But on a test-map I created, it worked perfectly.

By the way is it possible to publish maps PRIVATE so I can test it with other players before, so I can find all the bugs and issues. Because when I start in UEFN you directly get spawend in the game area, not in the pregame lobby. Therefore I can’t really check if everything works smooth.

HOPE someone can help! Thanks!!!

@DARICKO Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

@DARICKO Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form


Have you got any class designers or have you set a default class in island settings ?

Have you got a Teams S&I Device for each team ?

Hey Hardcawcanary!

I dont have class designers. I also have no default class identifier (No Class)

-One map is a FFA with max 16 players. (Team size dynamic, No default class

-The other maps have S&I devices for each team. The only thing I changed on those maps in the island settings is the Teams (Team Index)

Thanks for your reply! Hope it helps

If your doing FFA, use a Class Designer instead of a Teams Device for Loadout and set it as the default class,

There may be an issue where teams based settings aren’t getting applied to no team ffa,
Class Designers are like Teams Setting Devices but for players instead of teams.

Hi Hardcawcanary!

Thanks for the tip! Will try it for the FFA.
How about team based maps? For excample 2v2 3v3 4v4…

On those maps I did it just with Team S&I. Same problem.
Should I also swtich to the designer for those?

I haven’t used teams settings for loadout before, it does sound a little buggy from what you’ve written.

there is also the hierarchy of priority, Class Designer settings overrides teams S&I, and teams S&I overrides islands settings.

I use class designers to loadout team games. Setting a default class with a default loadout, and making other classes like a medic, sniper or engineer class etc.
Players can even pick the class they want to spawn as next from the map menu if you use the Class UI Device.

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