I made some destructible walls in my game, they work fine in server mode, but there’s no destruction in client mode (duh).
After tweaking around I can’t seem to get it working.
The destruction works fine in server view, but in client view, the damage just doesn’t show + they can’t shoot through the object.
Can anybody help me, link me a working tutorial please, because I can’t find any.
I’m using Shooter Game project if that helps.
Thanks for helping!!
EDIT: I also need help with collision, if I shoot the mesh the collision is gone and I can walk through it. (Before shooting is the collision works fine)
Ok… see if the object is replicated. And are you using a blueprint with the mesh as the model in it, or are you draging the object strait into the scene?
thats ur problem. just use the plain old destructible object, not BP. And about those collisions, goto the original static mesh and add some collision if there is none.