Been trying to sort out debugging game code (non-editor based) and running into a lot of confusion.
What’s the right build to run in order to debug your game? No Editor.
Running Development:Win64, I get this:

However, this isn’t where my project lives (it’s E:\Unreal Projects\TestBed) and the missing files are there (in Saved\Cooked\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.
Yeah, I’ve got my own pawn C++ code, but it runs fine from Editor.
I seem to recall someone mentioning that spaces in paths are an issue, but it’s 2017 … that can’t really be the issue, can it?
Hello ,
If you’re looking to run your game with the Visual Studio debugger attached without running the editor, the best configuration would be Debug_Game. Are you using Visual Studio 2015?
As far as spaces go, they should only create problems if you have your project folder (the one above it is fine), project name, or any files in your project with spaces in them. This shouldn’t be the cause of your issue.
Usually when I see this error, it’s from trying to run a launch a packaged game from the editor without building for Development (not Development Editor), so it’s odd that you’re getting this error in this case. Let me know if you continue to get this with Debug_Game.
So yes, this is all VS 2015, community edition.
So, Debug_Game isn’t particularly performant from what I understand (trying to keep framerate > 90 for VR), and I want to be able to inject into sections of my code pragmas for including debug information (I’m only interested in debug information on my stuff at this point in time). Are you saying that I won’t be able to do this?
I’ve already built Development, Development editor and Debug_Game. But I haven’t tried running thought Debug_Game yet.
So, an update
(not Debug_Game
) appears to work without the above error.
I also think a bit of the problem may be related to the fact that the active project was set to Engine->UE4
and not Games->TestBed
(my current project).
Going to try that out in other build settings to ensure my suspicion was correct.
And just confirmed that the issue was me trying launch Engine->UE4
rather than the proper Games->TestBed
Very odd as this was from a fresh project regeneration inside UnrealEd - one would think that would for the solution to point to one of the projects in the Games
Anyway, I think we can consider this problem solved.