I have done the following several steps:
1. Generated c++ template project.
2. Changed the “scheme” to “DebugGame”
3. Added into command line “-debug”
4. Selected my iPad device for debugging
and start debug in xcode, but with no luck. I had received message “The file “Test11-Mac-DEbugGame.app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file. The file doesn’t exist”. I think that I had chosen project for Mac, but I don’t know how to change it for iOS.
xCode version - 7.2
This happens to me every time I generate the Xcode project (also I have to reset up the signing).
Click on your project in the hierarchical file view - then go to the build settings tab and scroll down to the product name setting. Rename this to something more appropriate - I’m not sure what the rule is but mine is the same as my project name.
iOS setup for debugging has been more annoying since they ‘upgraded’ the setup with more steps seeming to be required to fix the workspace after building it. Hopefully fixed soon!
It seems like help me, but I have another problem. After splash screen I’ve received the following error:
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/Metal/Metal- failed assertion `(rect.x(0) + rect.width(128))(128) must be <= 1’