Day/Night Cycle - Lights

Hey Guys,

I hope I’m posting in the right place. Anyway, I have a simple day/night cycle set up that works perfectly, but I can’t set it up so that when it turns to night-time, all of the point lights and/or spotlights come on.

Can anybody recommend any solutions? I have attached my BP for reference.


Not 100% certain what you’re asking but it seems like you want an idea on how to go about it.

If you use PIE you can check the current rotation of your light source by ejecting/pausing and selecting the light source in the outliner, if you let it rotate to where you consider night time to start, or night time to end, then this will give you those values.

You could additionally have a range, such as at 160-180 degrees it transitions to night time, and map that 160-180 degree range into 0-1 and multiply the light’s intensity that comes on during night time by that amount, and the inverse for the lights turning off that were on during the day. I believe blueprints have a “Map Range” node that will do this.

Then on Tick, you would have a branch to check if the rotation is over X amount and under Y amount, and if true then lerp the intensity of the light. For example if the light has an intensity of 0.7 when on, just multiply the 0-1 value by 0.7.

If you want them to simply turn on / off then “Affects World” should do it, otherwise just set the intensity by using a branch checking if the rotation is over X amount and if it’s still on, then turn it off.