D3D Ensure Condition Failure leading to Crash

I’m seeing the following crash when loading in to a certain map on a cooked build (and only when cooked). Unfortunately I’ve been unable to isolate the asset that causes this. Here is the ensure condition that fails:

[2018.02.02-21.47.29:671][947]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
[2018.02.02-21.47.29:671][947]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
[2018.02.02-21.47.29:671][947]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: Stride == StreamStrides[StreamIndex] 
[File:w:\ue4\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\D3D11StateCachePrivate.h] [Line: 829]

This is from a call originating in:

FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIEndDrawPrimitiveUP() [w:\ue4\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11commands.cpp:1734]



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