If create custom trace channel in Project Settings with default Ignore behaviour, it will won’t work with Line Trace By Channel in Blueprint. Despite the ignore config trace will be blocked. This problem isn’t pesented in UE 4.10, but in UE 4.11 is sometimes works, sometimes (usually, in most cases) - trace will be blocked anyway.
I seem to have the same Problem in 4.11.2. Added a custom trace channel with Ignore as Default. Set it to only block on my floor tiles but my “get hit result under cursor by channel” still gets blocked by other objects (walls and so on).
Anyone found a solution for this?
I’ve set custom MyTrace channel (ignore by default), and used it in LineTraceByChannel node.
I’ve also set blueprint meshes that I want to be visible to custom collision, then checked “block” for MyTrace channel…
2 blueprints are working, 3rd is not even everything is set the same. Can’t figure out why is my chair still ignoring this channel, even glass and floor are blocking ok.
Ok, to reply to myself for better visibility - problem was in lacking of collision object in the chair blueprint. I was assuming line trace traces for actual mesh, but this sounds more rational when you think about it. Problem solved by adding simple box collision in the blueprint - query only, no physical collision.
I have the same issue in UE5.1. Do you came to know how to solve? @Morguhl .