Custom properties per Material?

What I’m trying to do: I have a grappling hook object that can only attach itself to specific objects in the scene. Right now I’m using the actor tags system to identify what you can and cannot attach to. However I think I can make this simpler by identifying the material that an object is made of.

Right now I have this set up: An OnProjectileStop event (in the grappling hook actor’s blueprint) returns a impact result. I feed this to a Break Hit Result node and retrieve the Hit Component. I use a Get Material node to get the material of the surface I hit.

But now I’m looking at ways I can mark certain Material instances as ‘grappable’. I can’t seem to find a way to give a Material custom properties of sorts. I could just compare the display name of the Material with a collection of names of materials that are considered grappable, but this is not very elegant.

What would be a good solution here?

Have you tried using Physical Materials?