Custom NavArea_jump not working after hot reloading

I follow the MieszkoZ’s tutorial ( to make my AI jump on my game, and it works well when i start a new instance from the Visual Studio, but When I got the editor opened and use hot reload, my IA isn’t working. But the code is exactly the same.

I add some debugs and breakpoints and found that the problem is at the “FNavAreaHelper::HasJumpFlag(SegmentStart)” which is not returning true after the hot reload, but nothing has change on the scene or on the code.

I use the ue 4.6.1 compiled version from git.

Here is the code:

void UMinionPathFollowingComponent::SetMoveSegment(int32 SegmentStartIndex)

	if (CharacterMoveComp != NULL)
		const FNavPathPoint& SegmentStart = Path->GetPathPoints()[MoveSegmentStartIndex];
		const FNavPathPoint& SegmentEnd = Path->GetPathPoints()[MoveSegmentEndIndex];

		if (FNavAreaHelper::HasJumpFlag(SegmentStart))
			if (SegmentStart.Location.Z < SegmentEnd.Location.Z)

Is this a bug? or I’m missing something?