Can I sample the Post Process input 0 from the scene texture, through the custom expression?
If yes, then how would I call it?
Can I sample the Post Process input 0 from the scene texture, through the custom expression?
If yes, then how would I call it?
Anyone, plz?
Also , easier one:
How do I get world position or V normal WS, or “time”?
You can’t use textures inside the custom expression on the vertex shader?
Same thing but with nodes works fine. And if I plug my custom node another attributes, it works…
I’d still like to know if its possible to sample the post process input 0 through the custom node… Thanks!
return Texture2DSample(SceneColorTexture,SceneColorTextureSampler,UV);
Is there a way to do this without clamping the uvs?
Hello, I know it’s a bit late but it can be useful for other people,
the pin World Position Offset accept only one Vector3 because it moves the whole object from this Vector3.
I think that the pin you want to use is World Displacement, you have to enable Tessalation (click on the material Node and in panel details, search Tesselation and change No Tesselation to Flat Tesselation).