CRITICAL - Verse Devices are not spatially loaded anymore

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Since the 26.20 update, all my Verse Devices are not spatially loaded anymore, which means they can’t reference any other spatially loaded asset (such as all the fortnite devices ?)

Steps to Reproduce

Place a Verse Device that references any device on which we can’t uncheck “Is Spatially Loaded”

Expected Result

Map should validate as before

Observed Result

This is one of my new 200 errors that are popping off :
Non-spatially loaded actor /FortTag_io/ picker references Spatially loaded actor /FortTag_io/BACKUP_FortTag_io.Button41




We are having the same issues with our devices, and there are many entries complaining about the “Device_Trigger_Perception_V2_C” being spatially loaded and this device doesn’t have the “Is Spatially Loaded” option to disable it.

Incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.

same here:

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Here too:


I have that problem too. The only work-around is switching off Level Streaming inside World Settings. I know that it’s far from ideal and may not be applicable in every case (bigger maps) but it’s the only one I came to. I hope Epic will fix it soon :upside_down_face:

same. only 500 errors :upside_down_face:

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Same for us with 265 errors


We’re taking a look, thank you for the report.



Thanks for the report.

We’re looking into a fix, but in the interim if you resave the devices that are listed as being spatially loaded it should address the issue.


Non-spatially loaded actor /Project/SomeActor references Spatially loaded actor /Project/SomeName.HUD_Message_Device

Resave SomeName.HUD_Message_Device.

You should be able to do a bulk-save using the Outliner.


@GrantGoldkey This didn’t work for me. I have a mix of devices as well as normal actors that are referenced as “spatially loaded”, if that matters. In any case, resaving the referenced devices or other actors did not solve the problem for me.

Note, in my case, all the “non-spatially loaded actors” that reference the spatially loaded actors are my creative devices. Every one of them are throwing these errors at the moment.

Non-spatially loaded actor /Grind/Grind.AnimatedBounce references Spatially loaded actor /Grind/Grind.Cube Disco Orange4

“AnimatedBounce” is a creative device.

For good measure, I also tried re-saving all the creative devices. That didn’t work either.

In this case can you try changing Grind.Cube Disco Orange4 so it’s not spatially loaded? It should be a property on the actor.

Hey everyone!

I wanted to follow up here with some clear steps to take to address this issue. For any maps that are still experiencing these errors, here are the steps to resolve / mitigate.

Steps to re-save all the Verse Device instances manually:

  1. Relaunch UEFN.
  2. Open affected project.
  3. Select all the Verse Device instances in the Outliner.
  4. Right-click on the select actors and then choose to Save Selected Actors(s).
  5. After that the non-spatial actor errors will be cleared.
    (Optional) Creators can simply load recent levels to check if the errors are cleared or not, the errors would be displayed when the map is loaded.

Apologies for the inconvenience and confusion this has caused, please don’t hesitate to reach out on this thread if you have any additional concerns or are having issues clearing out the errors. Thanks yall!


This worked for me! Thank you

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Hey, this is happening with the Constraints Manager but the re-saving doesn’t fix it, do you know what the solution could be?

@DimensionDragon Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

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this issue still exist

Yup its back