CRITICAL - UEFN session not start in Fortnite (map testing not possible !!!)

Thank you.

A note for you at this point… I now have a “reasonably working” workaround…:

1.) I start Fortnite first before I start UEFN

2.) When Fortnite has loaded completely, I wait a few minutes and then start UEFN (so I don’t get the login error)

3.) When my UEFN project is fully loaded, I start the editing session IN FORTNITE (I find this under “last played”)

4.) I wait until the loading screen of the editing session appears in Fortnite and then connect the editing session from UEFN at the same time

I usually have success when I go through points 3 and 4 about two to five times.

Well, it’s not a good situation, of course, but I’m glad that I can test at all (if the “workaround” works). That’s why I hope you can manage it… → In my opinion, a too early timeout is responsible here, which then breaks the connection in UEFN (shortly?) before the connection would be established!

(Maybe this will help you and thanks for your efforts)