Creative session doesn't load when you connect to platform

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Everytime I load a creative session and send to platform it either A infinity loads on the fortnite side of things B loads and kicks me out or C most common one it looks like it’s loading into a session then kills the session and on the fortnite side sends me back to lobby causing me to restart the whole process this isn’t just happening in one of my maps it’s happening in ALL Big and small i really need help does anyone know how to fix this or is it a issue on Epic’s side of things

Steps to Reproduce

Have a console and one pc click the three dots next to launch session click connect to platform have fortnite open on the console hit launch session and see if it works for you for me my console is the Xbox 1s but I hear other creators are having this issue too

Expected Result

It’s supposed to load me into a creative session aka play session

Observed Result

Doesn’t load at all you can also get stuck in the loading screen and sometimes crash and the other things I listed in the description can happen


Pc and console

Additional Notes

Sometimes it won’t show the loading session text and it will already show up as if the session is already active

The status of FORT-743725 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Needs More Info’.

Want to mention im reporting this on my phone and the forums ui is very buggy so thats why there are typos

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This exact bug happens to me too. I play on the Xbox Series X and two of my friends play on the Xbox One and the other plays on the Xbox One S and every time they try to load into creative they see this. They are stuck in like a limbo in the creative hub and it’s been going on for 3 updates now. I just want my friends to see my maps and play on them. I’m praying they fix this.

Okay one other thing for people who confused because im terrible at describing things im gonna post this link for this unlisted video i made showing off this bug

@JonesyPublishes Could we get your logs please? How to get your Fortnite logs