I learned that the actors belong to the level, so I want to create non-actor objects. because I want my objects never to destroy. The Objects I’ll create must not have SceneComponent. They’re not actor, only the objects I will use to manage the whole game. I want to create something out of the game world.
I usually don’t prefer to use GameFramework(GameMode etc.) and Blueprint.
For example, I’ll tell GameManager to load LoginLevel, when the game is loaded for the first time
class ClientManager : UObject
CLASS_NAME _myNetwork; // my network library (using winsock/berkeley sockets)
// To connect to server,create clients .. ...
class MapManager : UObject
MAP_OBJECT // holds NPCs, Characters in level.
LoadLevel(); UnloadLevel();
class GameManager : UObject{ // It will store some game information and has some functions...}
When press the login button in the Login Level or a player is in teleportation zone in xxx_level, the loadmap function will be called.
Also I want my objects to have functions like tick, beginplay.
Let me briefly summarize the life cycle I want to create,
Engine->Call my objects functons->Call level actors functions
If these are impossible, could you give me alternative ways and advices?
For this use case you should make a custom GameInstance, and create your manager objects from there.
class MyGameInstance : public UGameInstance
UGameManager * GameManager ;
// UPROPERTY() is necessary to prevent from being garbage collected
You’ll also need to change the default GameInstance from Project Setting:
Edit->Project Settings->Maps & Modes->GameInstanceClass -> "MyGameInstance"
GameInstance don’t have Tick function, but you can achieve the same thing using a looping timer.
Could you explain the “Looping Timer” a little more?
And I have one more question.
There is a GameLoader widget. Let’s say we call these functions in sequence :
The game is working in the GameThread. When I change a widget of the GameLoader in the ‘A’ function (for example: Loading.Text = “Function ‘A’ is called!”), it won’t change until other functions are called, right?
I want it to render when A function called. Do I have to use one more thread? Are Widgets or UObjects thread-safe?
Loading.Text = "...."
Or Should I use Tick() and call functions in turn?
First Frame Call A() return
Second Frame Call B()
It sounds like a very challenging and amateurish. What do you think about this?
By looping timer I mean set a Timer using TimerManager with the bLoop
parameter set to true.
Here is the documentation of TimerManager:
Here’s an example:
class UMyGameInstance: UGameInstance{
FTimerHandle TickHandle;
void Tick(){ /* Do tick stuff */}
virtual void Init() override
// Call Tick() once per second
GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TickHandle, this, &MyGameInstance::Tick, 1, true);
Your second question can be also be achieve by TimerManger. Either using a custom delay time or SetTimerForNextTick
So your function “A” will look like this:
void MyGameInstance::UpdateWidget(){
Loading.Text = "...."
GetTimerManager().SetTimerForNextTick(this, &MyGameInstance::B);
An upvote or marking as accepted would be nice.
Sorry, I’m kinda new here.