I’d like to have a simple blueprint script where I’d like to bob objects up and down and I want to assign it to different actors, similar like the built-in “Rotator Movement”. There is also the built-in “Interp to Movement” actor component which exactly does this but it does not have smoothing controls, the movement is just linear.
So if I create my own actor component, as far as I’ve seen, there is no access to motion/transfer controls.
My temporary solution was to create a separate actor blueprint script, create an actor array and move the objects inside this array.
So is it possible to control motion in actor components in a way that I couldn’t have figured out? Or is there some other method to this?
Yes but I cannot access to the action “Add Actor World Offset” in an Actor Component. So I cannot attach this script to any actor in my outliner, or am I missing something here?
Blueprints are context sensitive. You need to drag a wire first from the blue Return Value data pin, and only then search - this will give you filtered, compatible results that are valid and make sense in this very context.
I see! Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been missing. Thank you so much. I come from Unity and I’m new to UE Blueprints and it seems I’ve never got that logic. Thank you so much for your help.
Btw, I just also realized that when the action search window appears, there was a ticked “Context Sensitive” button on the top right side which also can be ticked off.