I am trying to create my first patch, right after packing the first version using ProjectLauncher. I have followed the official tutorial on Patching to the T, yet I still get that error. How can I fix this?
Also it works fine if the only thing I change is “Generate Patch”. This is the option I need the most, though!
Update: Could it be because the name of the patch is the same as the name of the release? If so, can I change it? I also was able to reproduce this issue in a clean new project.
I found the solution!
The problem wasn’t with patching, it was all right. The only issue was with my initial release - it turns out I just had to leave the release’s name, right below the “Create a release version”, blank!
@Hirako - i’m equally running into my patching package failing - care to give any specifics as to what needs to happen? I INITIALLY did the same thing as you - left the release’s name field BLANK after i did my release - and my “release version this is based on” is the same as the release version i created - 1.0
I fail at the end of the process - PACKAGING FOR WIN64 with the following code - and below that is the image of my package settings.