Hello guys!
I’m trying to copy RenderTargetTexture into similar Texture created by me to modify its data.
I’m working with source code: UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Steam/SteamVR/Source/SteamVR/Private/SteamVRRenderer.cpp
method: FSteamVRHMD::D3D11Bridge::FinishRendering()
There is available ID3D11Texture2D* RenderTargetTexture which comes from FViewport every frame.
I want to copy that texture to my own texture and pass it to openVR::Submit method for the next rendering stage.
I’m not familiar with internal Unreal Engine structure and capabilities of manipulating of d3d11 textures. I’ve tried to use native d3d11 method ID3D11Context::CopyResource but in vain…image on screen becomes black…
I’m ready for discuss this task and to provide additional information about it if necessary!
Thanks in advance for help!