Consolidating Objects and fixing up redirectors screws with some references

There is a similar question related to mine, but that one got delegated to the official bug report form, which isn’t helpful in my case since I can’t do a proper bug report due to complexity.

In my case, I’m consolidating a few hundred objects programatically and then I fix up the ObjectRedirectors that get left behind. When checking the references afterwards, they are fine, however, just sometimes (not all the time, which makes debugging a lot harder!) upon playing inside the editor after doing the consolidating, I get error messages like " Blueprint Runtime Error : Attempted to access missing property called ‘variable name’ . If this is a packaged/cooked build,are you attempting to use an editor only property?" and a manual recompiling of all blueprints in question that do NOT state that there is any error, will fix it. Other times upon consolidating, everything works fine.

What’s interesting is that if packaging works, the bugs resulting no longer appear in the packaged version, while still appearing in the editor.

A couple things of note:
It’s always the maps that complain the most, if there are errors while packaging. Apparently some asset that they reference has invalid references to the objects that don’t exist anymore due to consolidation. Opening up the asset in question, then saving it, will fix those issues; it seems like the references of that asset haven’t updated at that point of time, so resaving it will update them instead.

The entire reference systems of UE4 are hard to understand in the first place, and bugs like these don’t make it any easier.

I’d love to manually track all referencing objects of the consolidated objects, and then update those references. I just hope that someone with some experience in this field can give me some pointers, as I don’t expect my description to be enough for a proper fix.