I’ve been trying to make a Marching Cubes compute shader plugin with the new RDG framework. I recently made a bunch of changes without attempting to run UE4 on my changes. Now whenever I try to run it, I get the same error consistently at 18% loaded.
All the error says is
Specifically, this is where the following code is called:
When I check the debug logs, I can see that the execution gets through InitializingShaderTypes, but right before it crashes there’s an error from LogShaders that says
Mismatch size for type FMarchingCubesCS, compiled size is 288, loaded size is 280
Immediately after this the InSection assertion fails.
I’m not really sure what’s causing this. I’m using Rider for Unreal Engine, so the debug functionalities are limited and I can’t add breakpoints to see when the AddSection method is called. I think though that the problem is caused at some point during ShaderCompiler::CompileGlobalShaderMap. But that’s just a hunch.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to investigate this further or how to fix it?
This is my Shader class for reference (in a .cpp class separate from the IModule implementation).