Hello, for the past few days I’ve been working on a map and have been experiencing an error message in the message log every time I have tried to start and load into a session, and it’s preventing me from working on the map. The error message is below, any help would be appreciated.
"We encountered an error preparing your project. Error: errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
JOB_ID=32217558-5832-40c2-a50b-15b46aa2e823)., CookJobId:32217558-5832-40c2-a50b-15b46aa2e823
LogSlateStyle: Warning: Missing Resource from ‘CoreStyle’ Style: ‘Unable to find Brush ‘Sequencer.Timeline.VanillaScrubHandleDown’.’
LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: PositionPrecision >= -8 [File:D:\build++Fortnite\Sync\Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\NaniteEncode.cpp] [Line: 875]
Others have been reporting the same cook errors that seem to be something related to material nodes that were removed/disabled in v26.00, but are not being flagged as an issue in UEFN before trying to launch a session. We are having the same problem in our project.