Confused about dropped packets

I’m doing some network test on a blank project to better understand how the networking works in Unreal, so I setup a component which send a Unreliable RPC with 65.526 bytes, which is near the RPC limit, it reaches to the client properly, but I see a lot of “dropped” packets, what exactly that means? I assume it’s not a packet loss because I’m running locally and as it’s a Unrealiable RPC I believe it should be completelly dropped, instead it resends the dropped packets and it reaches the client on the same frame:

My setup is as simple as:

UFUNCTION(Unreliable, Client)
void ClientReceiveData(const TArray<uint8>& Data);
void ServerSendData();
void UNetworkComponent::ClientReceiveData_Implementation(const TArray<uint8>& Data)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Received!"));

void UNetworkComponent::ServerSendData()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Sent!"));
	TArray<uint8> Data;
	Data.SetNum(1024 * 64 - 10);