I’ve tried adding keys and planks to a conditional button but it doesn’t work - I can interact with it even without the items in my inventory. It does work fine with keykards though. Is this a bug or I am doing something wrong?
Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative
Did you turn off Infinite Resources in Island Settings? That fixed this same issue for me. I got the tip from @AxelCapek in this other Forum Post. I think the Conditional Button thinks you have an infinite number of any Consumable that is classified as a Resource. That’s why some Consumables like Keycards or Ammo work fine, they aren’t counted as Resources.

Thanks for the reply! However, it might not be aplicable in my case, as I want my island to have infinite resources… Is there any other option?
Thanks, I forgot to get back to this and yes, I turned that off and all was well. Good catch. Seems like a bit of an oversight on Epic’s part though… or at least it should be in the docs maybe.
Oof ya I’m assuming there are many other creators in your same boat. I don’t know of any alternative fixes. For now you could upvote my Feedback / Request post about it. I linked all 4 Conditional Button bug reports that I’ve seen so far.
Technically you could turn off infinite building resources, and set up a item granter that grants all building resources every X amount of time, Grant condition could either be only if empty or only if space, Drop items at player location would need to be set to NEVER.
I say technically because it should work, but anyone that uses creative or UEFN knows 90% of the time things that should work dont work. If you havent sorted this out i hope this somewhat helps you or anyone that runs into a similar issue.
GOLD should NOT share the same parent as building resources, yet to see someone crank gold 90’s.
Closing - bumped older thread.