Component move to displacement bug

I have been able to duplicate this in a new project. I am using the “component move to” in conjunction with spline locations and my static mesh component is traveling in the exact pattern the points are at, but the location the mesh is moving at is offset from the actual location of the spline points.

Steps I took:

  1. Create BSP mesh in level → Convert to static mesh
  2. Add Collision and physics material to static mesh generated from ue4
  3. Create Blueprint with static mesh → add spline component (Scene component as root for both)
  4. Add to level, create x number of spline points
  5. Inside spline BP(begin play) call function that gets location at current point (both World and Local = problems) (Variable int) call move component to, on completed current point++, copy paste x number of times

Submitted a bug report via new system: