compile Lyra then show an error

I created the Lyra project from Epic Games Launcher, and then generated the VS project file. After compilation with DebugGame Editor, it displayed

Lyra\Plugins\GameFeatures\ShooterTests\Source\ShooterTestsRuntime\Private\ShooterTestsDevicePropertyTester.cpp(16): error C2039: ‘__Internal_AddDynamic’: is not a member of ‘FComponentBeginOverlapSignature’
Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Components\PrimitiveComponent.h(215): note: see declaration of ‘FComponentBeginOverlapSignature’
Lyra\Plugins\GameFeatures\ShooterTests\Source\ShooterTestsRuntime\Private\ShooterTestsDevicePropertyTester.cpp(17): error C2039: ‘__Internal_AddDynamic’: is not a member of ‘FComponentEndOverlapSignature’
Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Components\PrimitiveComponent.h(217): note: see declaration of ‘FComponentEndOverlapSignature’

Code editor : vs2022, UE Version : 5.4.4. How can I fix it?

I have already solved it, just update the version of VS2022.

Greetings @XDGWHILE

Welcome back to the Unreal Engine Community Forum! Just to clarify, updating VS fixed the problem?

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