Greetings @ahotgusonix
Welcome to the Unreal Forums. In regards to your compile error, I’d recommend starting with this post. Others experienced this same issue and seemed to have resolved it. I hope that this helps!
no, didn’t work. Same error.
and i tried to “Generate Visual Studio project files”
It cancelled after an error that an intermediate file could not be opened. Delete the intermediate folder, then recreate project visual studio files, then rebuild.
no, didn’t work. Again, same error. “… Could not be compiled. Try rebuilding form source manually”
That is a completely different error on an ancient engine version
This will keep happening until VS builds successfully. Any different error this time?
no, same error. I also tried to follow this tutorial: Unreal Project Could Not Be Compiled, Try Re-Building From Source Manually - YouTube but I can’t find the “IncludeOrderVersion = EngineInclude…” in the “…”
Mentions no special characters may be in the path (D:?rea de …)
Can't open a new project in C++ I get this Error message - #5 by Skylonxe
Path length issue, case sensitivity issue, also suggests clean + rebuild of project:
Folders you can delete and regenerate: DerivedDataCache, Binaries, Intermediate, .sln file.
You don’t have to modify it for a successful build.
I do see a new error on that pic you posted last but I can see only half of it
The first option worked, don’t use special characters, but unreal worked with the blueprints option. A few hours on a small detail, thanks for your help
Excellent! Such a great community! I’m glad that you were able to get this resolved!
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