Community Tutorial: Lyra + Chaos Vehicles

How to add vehicles to Lyra, with blueprints.


Thank you so much for making this!!!


Hello Astaraa.
Is this tutorial for advanced users of UE4/UE5? I ask because I’m relatively new to the engine and I’m stuck. I’ve got as far as creating a Blueprint interface but it’s read only. I’ve added two inputs but am unable to go any further because of the lack of detail. The other question was, by ‘Lyra’ I’m assuming you mean ‘LyraStarterGame’? Another question is why use the Lyra game when you could have migrated the content into a blank or vehicle project?

Most of the tutorials I’ve watched and read are black and white with detail but this one is red for me I’m afraid.

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It’s meant specifically for Lyra (LyraStarterGame), which is pretty advanced in general.
I assumed anyone using this would be familiar with Lyra already and just wants to overcome some of the snags that come with adding vehicles into it.

For a regular project, you can just possess the vehicle.

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OK, thanks for your help :slight_smile:
I’ve got a little further since my last message …

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Hey! I messaged you on your YouTube vid earlier. I just want to thank you for sharing your knowledge here, and investing your time to help other developers. I’m so grateful.
Thank you thank you thank you.

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I tried following this but there are a few spots where I just get stuck, can’t find something or don’t know how to do something. I consider myself moderately knowledgeable but It’s just too difficult for me without a video. would you consider doing a video? it would help so much. THANK YOU!!

I consider it. For now where are you getting stuck?

I have taken this as far as I can, still does not work for me however that’s because there a bits which I just can’t figure out. If anyone has got this working can you PLEASE consider making a tutorial. This is one area in Lyra where there is ZERO content (except for this post).

hey @Astaraa
I’ve read there are some real challenges to networking with chaos vehicles.
Based on your experience about it (based on what I see more than any of us), do you think Chaos is a good solution for Lyra multiplayer, or do you think another more established multiplayer solution like this would be more reliable:

I really want to get cars in Lyra for multiplayer, but wondering if I should stay away from Chaos for now because of replication issues.

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I would try Chaos first, being free and all.
Interaction and control setup would be the same if you end up trying something else.

I assume it’s what they’re using in Fortnite.
I haven’t seen what challenges people are having?
I haven’t gotten as far as testing it with live multiplayer, but I’m not sure why it would be different than anything else that moves.


Thanks very much for the reply, and sorry I’m only seeing it now.
I will take your advice and try Chaos.

For reference if you’re curious
I think this is the type of challenge: (stock vehicle replication not really working in UE4/5

Things start to diverge around step 10. The blueprints are using Enhanced Input now.

Character uses Enhanced Input.
Vehicle inputs are replaced with the interface.

Can you please explain step 6: " Add InVehicle variable (Actor)" i cant find actor.
Edit: I found it here Where to Find the Actor Class Variable Type in Unreal Engine UE4 UE5 - YouTube

Yes, like that. You can also search for “Actor”. And it should be an object reference (blue) whereas they’re using a class reference (purple).

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Can you add a screenshot for this step “You just need to set up an event that sets the Player variable and InVehicle variable (as seen below). We set InVehicle to the vehicle and Player to B_Hero_ShooterMannequin”. I’m stuck at this step, the screenshots included go from pic 2 to pic 4, it seems like pic 3 is missing. thank you

That’s the Interact event, which is pic “5” and “Graph: Enter Vehicle” below it.

Pic “3” probably felt unnecessary. They’re only numbered to help reference them.

hello Astaraa

when i press button the interact function is not working can you tell what is the error
Can any one tell me what is the error

Your enhanced input Interact event (B_Hero_ShooterMannequin) needs to get the vehicle somehow. On the input event you can do a trace, and use the Hit Actor as the Target for your Interact Interface. In your example, Self needs to go in Player.

Right now it’s attempting to interact with itself.

The player character doesn’t need to have the interface implemented unless you’re going to use it to interact with other players. Only the thing being interacted with needs to have it.

My Interact is a gameplay ability, so it isn’t in the player blueprint, but that should be work too.