[COMING SOON] - PurePolygons - Procedural Nature Pack

WOW. I got nothing else… just WOW.

Wow, no wonder that muddy grass mat looks so amazing, with 40+ million triangles in the hipoly model :). Brought my zbrush instance to its knees. Have you considered selling the zbrush tools for any of the other items on your Gumroad site? Like the rock wall, stone floor, or bark materials?

Indeed gorgeous ;); gj

Oh my! This is an instant buy.

I will second what has said - please put together some example scenes using landscape materials. Would be very helpful.

Amazing work! My wallet is ready. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for all of the support everyone! I’ll try to share an update again soon.

Hi Necrophob, im glad you like the work :slight_smile:
I don’t want to give away too many of my zbrush files, as it is the source work for the art I made. So i decided to do it specifically with the grass/mud file because I figured it would be the most beneficial for people.

Thank you SVR33!! Yes I will definitely be doing some landscape painting for examples for people. :slight_smile:

Amazin work :slight_smile:

Really love the muddy grass texture!

Can you add another bundle on your gumroad? The 4 textures + source files for muddy grass :wink:

Haha thanks order66! Most people seem to buy one or the other but not all of them together, perhaps I will consider it and maybe people start to buy all of them :slight_smile:
Thanks for the suggestion!

I’ll be buying this. I’m sure I’ll buy them and use them in the most basic way possible, then try to do something special with them. After which I’ll grow increasingly frustrated and realise I have way to much money and way little amount of patience and ability. Still it will have been a good purchase, as failing can be remarkable fun :slight_smile:

Hahaha thanks Winterstone! Failing is the only way to learn :slight_smile: As long as you enjoy it!

Hey everyone I updated the original post with a new video! Wanted to share my latest creation for this pack and show a tiny preview of how it’s coming along so far. I’m hoping to have a lot more updates very soon! Here’s the video here as well just for the heck of it

  • Jacob

In general I’m trying to avoid purchased assets these days. However the procedural nature is making me weak so I might just break that rule when this comes out. :stuck_out_tongue:
My main concern is the performance impact. The tiny waves movement at the sides of the river is quite jittery. Is that just the video, or a problem with the material?

When do you think you’ll have something online for purchase that’s UE4-ready? I see all this stuff and want it all immediately.

Haha I hope you do XilenceX! I’m spending lots of time on this pack trying to make it the best quality and to make it scaleable for people with different hardware on their machines. So I am definitely giving a lot of options in the materials to turn features on and off depending on performance concerns. I think my video capture software just isn’t the greatest, because I get some jitters even just when filming very simple things. When I release the final videos, I will show it off in the Unreal Matinee so we don’t have to worry about my bad capture software :slight_smile:

I’m getting a lot closer to having all of the features in this thing that I want so I am hoping in about a month it should be ready for release! I’m working hard to get it done as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Looks good! Really like the procedural approach here.

Does the river require a shade/texture/material thing, whatever it is that people need to make?

Let me pay you for it!
Any price is right!

So buying these for sure any price like said imma still buy it xP

It’s a completely custom water shader/texture setup that i created specifically for this pack. So you just place the spline in your map with no extra work required :slight_smile: then build the river however you like!

Haha thanks guys! Don’t worry i don’t plan on making it too expensive when I’m done. I’m thinking like between $59 - $69

Hey everyone,
Another little update to my progress :slight_smile:

All of the trees and branches and all are procedurally generated! Simply copy and paste after you made your first tree and it generates completely new branch placement so no 2 trees are alike! Anywhere in your scene :slight_smile: You can also adjust the number of branches, the size/scale of the branches, the rotation variation of the branches, and wind works on all of the branches so your trees won’t look boring and motionless! Endless possibilities, you can easily swap out the textures or branches to create your own trees of any kind!
Check out my facebook for more in the future


All of the trees are created with this simple piece of geo, that has working collision and an easily swappable texture!

I too have been resisting the idea of buying things on the marketplace, after all, I need to develop my skills some more(as if I can find the time). I suspect Resistance will be futile in this case.